So, back to UK. And back to the comfort zone after a month outside in a world of seclusion. A month full of supreme challenges, much anticipated solitude and some remarkable learning experience, all of which i savored quite a lot !
Sometimes, living alone can teach you a lot because you get the opportunity to know the best of yourself - in and out ! You have all the time in the world to think and assess the circumstances around yourself. You get to know those aspects about yourself which we fail to perceive otherwise in this busy social world! Aspects about your personality, your demeanor, your insight, and your repute. And may be even more !!! You not only get that opportunity to monitor those, but also to appropriately fix those.
You think about your family, friends, office mates and your prevailing relations with them. You think about the present situations, compare them with your past, and fancy the best possible dreams for your future. You also think about the direction of your life against your priorities and ambitions. But the best thing that i love about being alone is - you are just yourself ! Free from the directives of the outside world, you live on the self defined rules and principles. You do what you want to do in the way you want to do !!! What you've been longing for years to do. No more fake lifestyle, nasty pretenses and nebulous arguments living with others ! You just live your life the way you've always wished to. Though doesn't necessarily means that you'll become happy or content, but atleast you lose the right to blame others for the disruptions in your life, and in your life style !
But solitude can make you lose even more...
You lose the platform to redesign your personality and temperament with the great learning experiences living together with others. To learn to compromise, share, and NOT to share ! You miss out in making enduring companionship with someone who can eventually impact the rest of your life by redefining your priorities, sentiments and ambitions, who can well be your only best friend. You also miss all the fun and excitement of warmhearted banter and friendly quips when you are having your meals in your secluded room. Those incessantly engrossing heart-to-heart with them which make you realize that there are people who are with you no matter what happens, or when it happens...there are people who love your lifestyle, no matter how repelling or monotonous it may look like, there are people who wish to counsel you whenever you are down, ... and there are people who want to see you - just being yourself !!!
We go through each of these two phases, but not everyone gets the best of them... We might be alone for some time, yet unable to improvise. We might be living with the best of our mates, yet unable to unify. But now that i am back to my social web, i wish to relive the best moments of the camaraderie of my alien life !
Gaurav Gupta